I pick a word randomly from the dictionary and then illustrate it!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Aftermath 01.08.10
So my first word was Aftermath. My initial thought was of Hurricane Katrina, and then it developed into the environment. I tried to show the reaction to our actions toward each other and our planet.
Because I want to do this as a creative exercise, I have set it up with a few rules. I pick the word at random by flipping through the dictionary and land my finger on the page. I give myself time to think about the word through out the day(a few hours or so), but I am only allowed about an hour to draw. I can use a ruler and pencil to set up a bit of a grid, but the illustration itself must be done in pen freehand. Not only am I learning a new word and expanding my vocabulary, but I am honing my typography skills and challenging my artistic abilities.
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